Timur Akpinar
deer park
En akıllı, en parlak, en başarılı avukat kimdir? Who is the most brilliant attorney? It is a silly question, like asking, "Who is the best doctor in the world?" Doctors would regard such a question as nonsense. There are MANY brilliant doctors who have saved countless lives as surgeons, researchers, and immunologists. However, there are traits that make for SUCCESSFUL attorneys. One of these is the ability to understand the value of EVIDENCE. More importantly, it is the ability to understand that EVIDENCE is like a BIRD. It will not stick around forever. It will soon take off and fly away.
Sena Nur
New York
Hi! My name is Elif. I am passionate about music, particularly the piano. After years of dedication and hard work, I have been accepted into several prestigious colleges, including my dream school, the Manhattan School of Music – renowned globally as one of the top 10 music schools.
New Jersey
Merhaba New Jersey Paterson da bulunan kiracı olarak oturduğumuz 1+1 evimizden tasiniyoruz Bir buçuk depozito ve kira ücreti istenmektedir.temmuz ayi dahil 12 aylık kontratı var kira 1695$ 12 ay kirasını verip oturabilirsiniz daha sonra devam etmek isterseniz yeni kontrat yaparsınız.
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9 Temmuz’da Türkiye’ye giderken valizimde yerim mevcut. İsteyen olursa ücreti karşılığında kargo alabilirim.