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Bir İşyeri Sizi Eğitirse, Ayrıldığınızda Borçlu kalabilir misiniz?


In the past, many people learned their skills on the job. If they started as an apprentice, a more experienced employee would help them develop their skills. We still see this concept in many settings. In the cockpit of a commercial airliner, experienced captains may be coupled with new first officers. The captain will observe the abilities of the first officer and help them build their skills and confidence.

In many industries today, we see a new trend. New employees who receive training are sometimes presented with a contract that says they must pay back money if they leave the job before a certain time. These agreements are sometimes described as, "Stay or Pay." Another abbreviation used is "Training Repayment Agreement Provision," or TRAP.

En kolay iş bulan 5 meslek - https://youtu.be/NwSxTPLszVM?si=xU0FXdA8WAt_47xe

Training Repayment Agreement Provisions have been criticized by some as being unfair. Employees could find themselves in a position where the training they were supposed to receive is not what they expected. If they chose to leave early, such as before twelve months time, they could owe the company several thousand dollars for the training - even if the training was poor quality. UMMADIĞIN TAŞ BELKİ BAŞ YARAR... AMA İŞ ARAMAK BAZEN KAFA YORAR! https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000053477

And owing a debt to an employer could be the opposite of why to took the job... to earn money to AVOID debt! BORÇ İÇİNDE BOĞULUYORUM... BİR ÇIKIŞ YOLU VAR MI? https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000051461

On the other hand, companies argue that they can't simply train a workforce for free, just to see people leave and use their new skills in more lucrative jobs elsewhere. There are currently lawsuits out there dealing with these agreements. In the meantime, the best you could do is to read a company's provisions carefully if you are offered training as part of a job package - hopefully with better luck and fortunes than poor Şaban - - - Şaban Yeni İşte Çalışıyor https://youtu.be/QG8niHbUiNg?si=F_5tjgQzL3-d6qz6

Good Luck - Kendinize İyi Bakın

Avukat Timur Akpinar

(718) 224-9824



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