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En akıllı, en parlak, en başarılı avukat kimdir? Who is the most brilliant attorney? It is a silly question, like asking, "Who is the best doctor in the world?" Doctors would regard such a question as nonsense. There are MANY brilliant doctors who have saved countless lives as surgeons, researchers, and immunologists. However, there are traits that make for SUCCESSFUL attorneys. One of these is the ability to understand the value of EVIDENCE. More importantly, it is the ability to understand that EVIDENCE is like a BIRD. It will not stick around forever. It will soon take off and fly away.

EVIDENCE is a fancy legal word we use to describe the things that build our case. Even the most brilliant attorneys can do nothing in a case when they have no evidence. And if we HAVE good evidence for our case, and that evidence flies off like a BIRD because we didn't act fast enough, it is like we never had it. And birds are worth preserving and protecting - God bless the people who help them - Yaralı puhu tedaviye alındı https://youtu.be/X_XnyWrzlrg?si=p-T61opSIE4k_Gu_

- Evidence can be in the form of FACTS - "Human body temperature is usually around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit."

- Evidence can be in the form of TESTIMONY - "The woman waiting at the bus stop said the light was red for the minivan."

- Evidence can be in the form of VIDEO - "Let's see that dashcam - it shows the other driver entering the opposite lane."

- Evidence can be in the form of REPORTS - "The police officer arrived and wrote an accident report after the crash."

- Evidence can be in the form of PHYSICAL OBJECTS - "Here is the bald tire with no tread - it's why the car couldn't stop in 50 feet on the wet road."

Some forms of evidence have a long "shelf life." (Like the long lifespan of a crow - KILAVUZU KARGA OLANIN BURNU... HERKES ATASÖZÜNÜN GERİ KALANINI BİLİYOR! - https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000052383 They can last for a long time without perishing. But some forms of evidence disappear quickly. Like that BIRD, they are gone as quickly as they came. A smart attorney captures and preserves evidence at the beginning of a case. It will be valuable two years later at trial. That video could be recorded over if the file is not saved. That woman at the bus stop could forget what she saw a year after the accident.

These forms of evidence must be preserved. An experienced attorney does this by saving back-up files. A good attorney sits down with that woman and takes her statement about the red light immediately. If there are skid marks at the scene of the accident, the experienced attorney sends their investigator out to photograph them, before they are worn away by traffic or washed away by rain. Volvo kaza araştırma ekibi sizce iyi bir ekip mi https://youtube.com/shorts/qsx3_2erZ5c?si=hblbTvPaJgskoLrI

Having the right evidence is vital to winning a case. Some people say, it's luck anyway. No, it isn't ALL luck. Your skill and efforts still matter in winning a lawsuit - HUKUK SİSTEMİNİ NASIL GÖRÜYORSUNUZ - BİR SATRANÇ OYUN OLARAK... YA DA BİR CASINO OYUN OLARAK MI? https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000050970 Without good evidence, even the most brilliant attorney is limited in what they can do to win the case.

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Avukat Timur Akpinar

(718) 224-9824



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