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My name is Taz. My wife Nataliia and I have a 7-year-old non-verbal, most severe level autistic son named Omer.

Omer was born completely healthy, he met all his milestones on time and was considered to have early language development and was speaking at a very young age. Like millions of parents, we were directed by Omer’s doctor to have them administer the MMR vaccine. Immediately it was like a light switch turned off. Our smart, engaging, active little toddler was gone. Our entire world was turned upside down.

We are doing everything humanly possible to give our boy the best quality of life possible. Many of the alternative treatments are not covered by insurance and the ones that are, aren’t working. We are praying that something works, just for him to say one word, to communicate with us, for him to tell us if he’s in pain or if something’s wrong.

We tried oxygen therapy, and we tried MeRT treatment. Those treatments have put us in debt.

We desperately want to provide Omer with stem cell treatment and are praying for a miracle that it helps. That is why I created this page. Any donation is appreciated beyond words.


Nataliia Yuksel


. Towntalk

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