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Chicago'da yaşayan Chicago'daki Türk Amerikan toplumunun değerli üyelerinden Taner ve Nancy Kapan’ın oğlu, Yusuf ve Adem Kapan'ın kardeşi olan Taner John (TJ) Kapan, maalesef 25 yaşında geçirmiş olduğu motorsiklet kazasında hayatını kaybetmiştir. Geride kalan 2 çocuğuna ve ailesine sabır dileriz.

Çocukları adına düzenlenen yardım kampanyasını paylaşıyoruz.

Taner John Kapan, Beloved Son of Taner Kapan and Nancy Kapan….A loving father and a loving brother with a huge heart….

On Saturday, April 23rd, 2022, Our son, Taner John (TJ) Kapan was struck and killed by another vehicle while riding his motorcycle.

We are all heartbroken and shattered as he leaves behind two beautiful children, Delilah and Yakub Kapan, whom he loved with every fiber of his being and lovingly called them his bears. He was a kid with a huge heart, big character, and loved being around family, talking about his future goals.

The money raised here will be used for both services and the balance will be placed in a fund to care for his children and their education.

My name is Yusuf KAPAN and he was my beloved brother. Thank you for your generosity.


. Towntalk

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