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29th Turkish Construction Professionals Networking Event


Turk Insaat uzmanlari toplantisina davet (25 Mart):


Please join us for our 29th networking event on March 25, 2022 between 6pm-8pm. This event will be sponsored by PERA TILE (Funda Gurgoze & Haldun Cetinbay)

Please email your full name as shown in your legal ID to <a href='mailto:[email protected].'>[email protected].</a> Location address will be emailed.

DATE: MARCH 25, 2022

TIME: 6.00PM - 8.00PM

LOCATION: Address will be provided via e-mail after rsvp)

Light dinner, coffee/tea will be served.

Dress code: California casual.

NOTE: Doors/windows may be open for air-circulation, please have a jacket ready. Also consider mask use if not vaccinated

. Events

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