Hergün 10 binlerce Türk bu platformada buluşuyor.Paylaşım yapmak, İlan yayınlamak, ve Etkinlik oluşturmak için hemen Sende hemen Hesap oluştur



Female candidates

Looking for roommate to share the room. Apartment is in Saint Marys street 02446, Brookline. Available till end of July. Apartment has a nice kitchen and bathroom. No broker or other payments. Only rent $600 and deposit to move in. Hot water and heat are included int rent. Only girls please. Near BU campus, Charles River, Whole foods, Target, CVS and others within 5 mins walk. Very nice neighborhood.

Green B line- 2 min

Green D line- 7 min

Green C line- 4 min

Framingham/Worcester purple line- 8 min by walk.

Please feel free to text me for details.


Ayfer Hanım


. Marketplace

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