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Değerli arkadaşımız Aynur Haciomeroglu- Gunes 2017 yılından bu yana kanserle verdiği savaşı ne yazıkki dün kaybetti. Lütfen destek ve dualarınızı esirgemeyin. Allah mekanını cennet eylesin. 😞


The fight against cancer goes on. There is no one I know who can say they DO NOT have a friend or relative who has battled this terrible illness.

A good friend of ours, Aynur Haciomeroglu, has lost her battle with cancer.

She has been fighting multiple cancers since 2017. Aynur was initially diagnosed with stage 4 Lung Cancer. Since then, she went through several targeted therapies and additional chemotherapy, all of which stopped being effective earlier this year when she was also diagnosed with further metastasis to her brain.

In 2004 Aynur and her husband moved to the US. They have 2 beautiful daughters aged 4 and 8. They live in Springfield, VA.

I am asking for your help to support. Medical bills and common household expenses have become a huge burden for the past 2 years on this young family with 2 young children.

I will collect all donations and deliver to Aynur’s family.

Thank You

Ali Alasgar Farhadov


. Towntalk

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